Falls are most common in those over 65 years of age. Causes can range from poor vision and balance to certain types of medications or medical conditions.
A physio will assess your risk of falling based on your health and will develop an activity program just for you. This will include some exercises to strengthen your legs and improve your balance. They will also discuss options for being active in a way that suits you. Keeping on the move is really important.
Your physio can help with:
Some physios offer home visits and they can make sure your home is as safe as possible to reduce your risk of falling. This might include stronger lighting (especially from your bedroom to the bathroom at night) and removing rugs from bare floors because you can slip and fall. Physios can also advise you on suitable footwear and walking aids if you need them.
Exercise is really important for reducing the risk of falls. Lack of exercise leads to poor muscle tone, decreased strength and loss of bone mass – all of these factors can contribute to falls and the severity of injury after a fall. A physiotherapist will be able to advise you on the amount and type of exercise best for you.
As well as seeing a physio you can also:
Yes! Physiotherapy treatment is backed by scientific evidence. Studies show that there are a number of treatments effective in reducing falls. These include group programmes like Tai Chi and home-based exercise programmes that can be designed by a physio. A physio can also advise you on ways to make your home safer, which has also been proven to reduce falls.